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39. Preparing my immunocompromised body for Covid-19

Amber Luci

Updated: Jan 15, 2024

As I write this, there is a virus sweeping the globe that is causing some people to panic and purchase all of the toilet paper and hand sanitizer they can, while others are not worried at all about it. We've been told over and over that it's only of concern for the elderly or the people with weak immune systems.

So what if you're one of the people like me who have a weak immune systems? I'm one of the lucky ones with autoimmune disease, cancer, diabetes AND no spleen!! I've been practicing social distancing and excellent hand washing all of these years anyway, so this is really nothing new but there are things I've been doing lately to help boost my immune system that have kept me quite healthy since I've started them!

Instead of panicking, I'm preparing my body to give it the best fighting chance, just in case I do end up contracting this virus, because hand sanitizer and toilet paper aren't going to save me!

There are so many common sense ways to protect oneself, so I'm only writing about what EXTRA STEPS I'll be taking to keep my immune system in top shape:

1. Diet:

I will continue to eat a very clean diet, full of fresh produce for as long as I am able to, to make sure my body is properly fed, and avoid of foods such as gluten and dairy that would add fuel to the fire that is inflammation. By reducing the inflammatory load, my immune system will be able to fully concentrate on fighting infection and not be burdened with fighting inflammation that I have caused it.

2. Eliminate sugar altogether:

I will continue to not eat sugar or high glycemic, processed foods. I added this one separately because sugar directly interferes with the body's processing of vitamin C by blocking the receptors that vitamin C would otherwise bond to. [A] And it is commonly known that hyperglycemia is known to impair immune function [B]

3. Sleep:

Sleep is the best time for the body to repair itself.

The body's circadian rhythm is an extremely important mechanism in the fight for immunity.[C] Most people aren't aware just how important a strong circadian rhythm is for overall health. Being bombarded by artificial lights all hours of the day and night really messes with our bodies immune system, so be sure to limit blue light exposure close to bedtime and get as much sleep as possible.

I normally have trouble with getting enough sleep, but since taking LDN, that has changed!

4. Help the microbiome flourish:

I practice proper handwashing, but I do not use antibacterial soaps or hand sanitizers unless there is no other option. The reason for this is because those products will destroy the body's microbiome, which if you haven't read about the microbiome yet, is the body's first line of defense against pathogens. You have more good microorganisms living on and throughout your body than you do cells in your entire body! Researchers are finally discovering how these microorganisms are all around us and by way of this symbiotic type of relationship we have with our microbiome, we actually have protection against some very nefarious pathogens!

The goal is only to kill the bad microorganisms, so if you continue to use these harsh products, you will continue to allow the bad ones to fill the void instead of good ones that are there to protect you.

Also, If you have taken antibiotics you can decimate some strains of good bacteria that could take up to 4 years to rebuild! [D]

I take a high quality probiotic that does not need refrigeration and can survive the stomach acid. I also rotate my probiotics to make sure I'm getting a different variety of flora in my gut. Eating lots of fresh leafy greens and other vegetables feed the gut microbiome (pre-biotics) and contribute to a robust and healthy gut flora. Fermented foods (unless you have mast cell activation) is another good way to get probiotics.

To learn more about probiotics, I recommend listening to Kiran Krishnan, a research microbiologist who specializes in this topic. Look him up, he's got so much to say about this! His company is

Instead of hand sanitizer, I like to use something called structured silver gel to kill pathogens but protect my microbiome. I have learned about how effective silver is in different medical situations over the years but nothing as convincing as Dr. Gordon Pedersen and Dr. Bryan Franks' work at the Silver Health Institute. Learn how structured silver water containing silver nano particles will attach to a virus to prevent it from attaching to a cell and wreaking havoc on our bodies by watching or reading this:

Structured silver is different than colloidal silver the way a diamond is different than graphite, both made of carbon, but completely different structures and that is why it is worth looking into the structured silver water.[E]

My functional medicine Dr. suggests using the structured silver water in a nebulizer for short term respiratory illnesses.

5. Take proper supplements:

I know many conventional medical people aren't convinced that supplements make a difference but I know they've made a huge difference in my life! Even if I ate a perfect diet, the soils are still depleted of the vital nutrients we need for optimal health and our foods are contaminated with chemicals. I think that the people that don't believe in supplementation haven't sourced the best supplements and are buying them at the local grocery stores where who knows what goes in them. Most often, the highest quality supplements are sold in capsule form and there are no fillers besides the pure, non-GMO, organic ingredients. I make sure to source my supplements from a reputable integrative/functional medicine doctor so that I'm sure I'm getting the best quality for my money and that there are no harmful fillers. I'm sorry but the Gummy bear vitamins you can buy in bulk at the grocery store are just not doing you or your kids any favors! The sugar is counteracting anything that might actually show a benefit and you really can't be sure that there's even any real nutrients in them.

Also see my previous blog post about supplements HERE.

The supplements I take for my immune system include:

First line of defense:

*Vitamin C [F]

*Vitamin D3 drops [G]

*Zinc [H]

*Structured silver water [E]

*Probiotic [D]

Second line of defense/supportive supplements:

*Vitamin K2 (to help with Vit D absorption) [I]

*a good quality multi-vitamin to fill in the gaps.

*Vitamin B complex for added overall support. (Thiamine (B1) is known to help the immune system and there are doctors who have tried a cocktail of Vitamin C with thiamine and low-dose hydro-cortisone for the treatment of septic shock).[J]

I've started to research something called N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC) which works to increase the body's most powerful antioxidant called glutathione. [K]

I will be talking to my Functional medicine Doctor about this as well.

6. Fasting and Low Carb/ketogenic diet:

Fasting is an excellent way to give your body a reset and boost the immune system.[L,M]

Some people do not feel comfortable with fasting for 3 plus days as recommended for best results, so will choose to adopt a clean ketogenic diet and do intermittent fasting instead. [N,O]

I eat a low-carb, very clean paleo-type diet with simple intermittent fasting (12 hours overnight) and have had great success with blood sugar regulation this way. I look forward to the immune boost this has given my body.

Stress is one of the biggest contributors to lowered immune function. It is imperative that you reduce your stress as much as possible in order to have a healthier immune system.

Please check out the rest of my blog for other ways to deal with mental stress.

I hope that I have been able to give you some hope that there are many things that you can do to help your body's immune system, not just now during this pandemic, but all year long.





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