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6. Supplements: are they worth it?

I used to think I was doing myself a favor by taking those multivitamins that I got with my groceries that one time. Sometimes I even remembered to take them a few days IN A ROW!! And I figured that my diet was pretty healthy and I was getting all of my daily vitamins and minerals in from my diet. All of that changed when I started seeing a different doctor (functional medicine - I'll discuss later) that was so thorough and got all of my vitamin and mineral levels tested. I was surprised at how deficient I actually was in so many areas! I learned that the food we eat no longer has the nutrients that are essential to our bodies because the soil is so depleted due to poor growing practices among other things. One of the worst ones for me was vitamin B12. I've read extensively about how those proton pump inhibitors (#PPI's) that the Dr. so readily prescribes for heartburn (or in #MENers cases #GERD caused or not by #PNETS or #ZollingerEllison) decrease the level of stomach acid that is essential to not only absorb vitamin B12 but all essential nutrients! Not only that but the vitamins I grabbed off of the shelf at the store were not pharmaceutical grade (meaning that the label is reflecting what is i

n each capsule) but they were food grade, so who even knows what amount, if any, of the desired ingredients were even present or what kind of fillers they were adding to them- fillers that would be contributing to my inflammation!! No wonder most people think supplements don't even work!! I've been taking many-high grade- supplements to help with my nutrient deficiencies, #celiac and #coldurticaria #autoimmune diseases, compromised #immunesystem, #guthealth, #liverhealth, and pain to name a few. When your body isn't overwhelmed with inflammation and given the proper nutrients it needs it is an amazing force that can heal itself! I have heard stories where healthy bodies can help fight against #cancer #tumor growth. Myself with all of my lifestyle changes saw my #ChromagraninA levels drop and the last #EUS I had showed one less growth in my #pancreas! It could be a coincidence but my specialist had no explanation for me.

Here are some of the supplements I like to take:

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