My experience with covid wasn't as terrible as I thought it was going to be. Especially because I'm one of the people with multiple comorbidities that everyone is saying will have one of the worst outcomes. I really did prepare for the worst and I would definitely do all of these things again.
According to the testing I had done, they say I had the Delta variant.
This is my experience and should not be used as medical advice.
Ahead of covid, I made sure I had the following items: Thermometer, oxygen/pulse sensor, table top nebulizing machine, sterile saline solution in 5ml tubes, food grade hydrogen peroxide @12%, regular hydrogen peroxide @3% in the brown bottle, structured silver water and gel from (different from colloidal silver in that the particles of silver are suspended in the water.) Also, because I've been supporting my body with supplements, I had extra of these on hand as well: Vitamin C, D, zinc, quercetin, iodine, selenium, NAC, procosa (which is important for circulation as it contains bioavailable curcumin), I also have advil and asprin on hand. As well as Epsom salts.
My doctor is here from Africa where she has been treating patients that have had the virus. She told me that she is not afraid to treat me and she has natural immunity.
I will use the Frontline doctors protocol to help to make sure I do not end up in emergency. I truly believe it was an act of God that she was here when my family got this because I don't know if other doctors are as brave as her. She told me not to be afraid and she prays for me. This is hugely important to have someone who is confident and not afraid and who tells you to not be afraid.
Day 0: I had a very mild sore throat that developed in the evening. So mild that I thought maybe I was dehydrated and needed to drink water. Prior to this, friends of ours had tested positive so we were on alert that we may have been infected. Because of my health I immediately started to take 400mg of HCQ/daily, 2X the first day and once a day thereafter. The only thing I noticed from taking this was acid reflux, but my overall body pains that I've been living with had gone down significantly. I've been taking supplements up until this point to boost my immune system, including structured silver water: 1-3 tbsp/day, vitamins B, C, D, zinc, quercetin, multi vitamin, iodine (very small maintenance dose), & selenium. As well as working on the inflammation in my body by eating foods that do not cause inflammation such as grains, dairy, legumes, vegetable or seed oils and especially sugar. I've been working hard on keeping my blood sugars managed because these 2 things: inflammation and high blood sugar levels have been linked to poor outcomes.
Day 1:
Yes I have a sore throat. Still quite mild, but definitely there. I repacked 2 weeks of my daily supplements to be:
-2000IU of Vit D, 2x daily,
-500mg of quercetin/ day (or in my case I took 100mg of activated quercetin which is more bioavailable and not as hard on my sensitive stomach.)
-200mcg of selenium
-200mgx2 HCQ
-1000mg of vitamin C x 4 daily
-50mg of zinc citrate x 3 daily
-325mg of asprin/day - except during periods of extreme pain when I took 2 advil every 8 hours, I did not take asprin.
I also started to nebulize with structured silver water as advised by my functional medicine Dr. I just added about 5cc to the nebulizer cup. I did this 1x daily every day to get the silver into my lungs. The silver I use is very safe to do this but I'm not sure I'd feel safe doing this with regular colloidal silver. I've been taking silver internally on and off for 4 years. If I felt a cold coming on or anything I take it and usually feel fine the next day. Covid is the only time I've really been sick since changing my lifestyle 4 years ago. I really feel that structured silver played an integral part in my recovery.
I also started to nebulize with 5ml of sterile saline solution called hydraSense easy dose and 0.4ml of 12% food grade hydrogen peroxide. That was too strong at 1% as recommended by frontline drs. I will reduce to 0.2ml/5ml of saline for 0.05%. I did this for 5 out of the 10 days but found it to be much harsher than the silver.
I also gargled with hydrogen peroxide every day, a few times a day. I just used the regular brown bottled stuff from the store, diluted it 50/50 with water. It tasted gross to me but it is effective in killing germs deep in the back of the throat. I actually mixed in a bit of mouthwash into mine to help with the taste.
I looked at the tube of ivermectin but wasn't comfortable taking it internally although I know it can be safely taken as long as the dosage is correct. The tubes are portioned in increments for approx. 50lbs per notch. It's insane that this stuff has been politicalized to the point that doctors aren't even allowed to prescribe it here. No wonder people are buying the animal version. All of the mainstream news has made such a huge deal about it being poisonous but that's simply not the case. It has been used prophylactic for like 40 years to treat children for malaria all over the world. The drug is the same whether it comes in a tube or as a prescription. The trick is to make sure the dosage is right and not to take too much. It made me nervous to take internally, as it is metabolized in the liver, so I rubbed a 3 notch dosage on the bottoms of my feet instead. I did this 2x during treatment, about a week apart. My husband took his internally and didn't actually lose his sense of smell or taste. He also had no side effects at all. The Frontline doctors say that as long as you're taking the appropriate amount of quercetin and zinc that that should work if you cannot find Ivermectin. It's important to know that there are many scientific studies that support the use of these things. I remember before covid, I was hospitalized for pancreatitis but the doctors weren't sure if it was that or the flu because my pancreas is so small that it doesn't produce the amount of lipase that is normally seen during pancreatitis. I spent a night or 2 in the hospital and they pumped me full of anything and everything they could. I had to beg them to stop giving me things, especially Tamiflu, which is a horrible thing that made my vision blurry for a couple of days!! Even when I said I didn't want things they still tried to get me to take them. It was insane how they had unbridled freedom back then to give me all of these things but yet all of a sudden certain things are off limits?
So on the first day I generally felt pretty normal still, besides the mild sore throat. Eating and drinking, taste and smell normal.
Stomach a bit queasy at times, I think due to the extra supplements. I continue taking all of my regularly prescribed meds including 3mg of low dose naltrexone, which is another amazing thing I've written about before.
I also ended each day with a warm Epsom salt bath. The Epsom salts, 1/2 cup for every 50lbs of body weight, in a 40 min bath, help the body deal with aches and pains because it contains magnesium!
And I tested my blood oxygen and pulse rate regularly throughout to make sure I was getting enough oxygen. I was fortunate that it never dropped below 96%
Day 2: Seems my symptoms start to change in the evenings. I made a steak for supper, which I enjoyed knowing I might lose taste and smell soon.
Nebulized with hydrogen peroxide again. And then silver water later in the day.
As the day progressed, I became more lightheaded and had a couple dizzy spells. I could feel the cold move into my upper chest. I started a mild but slightly productive cough. My nose is still mostly clear. Developed a bit of a sore back, kinda stiff feeling. My legs started to ache but also feel restless in the evening. I had a few stabbing pains in my right calf and left foot. I developed a slight headache. And by supper time I could feel my face getting warm like when a fever starts.
Thermometer said 37.6°C, and I didn't get much warmer than that.
Legs were getting quite sore and I had a headache so I took 2 regular strength advil gel caps and went to bed. The advil helped so much that I was able to fall asleep quickly and slept until about 4:30 am. Woke up and had a coughing fit. I'm a bit sore all over but things in my chest still feel wet and light so the coughing wasn't bad and I got a bit more sleep. I'm happy my nose is still clear.
Day 3: Each day seems like I'm getting more more symptoms. I was up again at 9 am to get my covid test done. Not feeling well at all. Extremely low on energy, light, swimming type feeling in my head. Still have a sore throat, not too bad but definitely there. Still have the cough, not chronic. Upper Chest feels a tiny bit congested, but cough is still productive and not dry. The body aches aren't fun, I'm getting incredible pains in my legs, from my hips to my toes they ache. Sometimes I feel stabbing pains in a random place in my legs and try not to worry that its a blood clot. The entire surface of my skin hurts, if something touches it, its almost like a whole body sunburn. In the evenings I'm having chills. Sometimes I can't stop shaking from feeling so cold. Very slight fever but nothing scary, once my temp reaches 38.5°C, I take 2 advil and all of the aches and pains go away. The chills as well. Now I feel warm but my skin is damp. Slight cough, mild sore throat. Advil every 8 hours is keeping the pain at bay. I put a small dose of ivermectin on the bottoms of my feet at bed time.
Day 4&5 Test came back POSITIVE. I was expecting that. Same as day 3 but nose is stuffy when I lay down. Cough is a bit more aggressive. Body aches including the weird leg pains continue. I took 2 advil and they work great to help with most of the pain. The leg pains are a bit unnerving as I do worry about blood clots. In the afternoon, instead of advil, I took a 325mg asprin to help with blood clots.
By the evening I'm asking myself is this it? I think the worst is over. I'm scared to say that because Dr called to check on me and wants to follow up on day 8 as that day it can potentially turn for the worse. She was super impressed at how good I sounded. I told her how much the advil is helping. She said I could take more vitamin C, 1000mg spread out over 6x a day and it can help with the aches and headaches. I joked about having a cough at the same time as diarrhea, never experienced that before. Lol
Hardly coughing at all. Hardly congested at all. Still have a mild sore throat and leg pains. And I have the odd dizzy spell here and there but feeling much better about things.
I nebulized structured silver water to keep the viral load down. I feel like I could cough but I don't have to if that makes sense.
Things are starting to taste weird. I'm slowly losing my sense of smell. I put structured silver gel in my nose, as this virus attacks the cells in the nose, probably way higher up than I put it but it won't hurt...
I'm taking advil less often than I was but by bedtime really felt like I could use it.
Day 6 Woke up feeling not too bad at all, slight sore throat, bit of a cough still. Very slight congestion in nose.
Sore throat is nearly gone by evening. Feeling low on energy still. Still a bit achy. I had enough energy to work in the garden for 35 minutes. It did tire me out though and went to bed early.
Definitely missing my sense of smell now. Taste is almost completely gone too. This makes it seem pointless to eat, but I must to stay on top of my supplements.
Day 7 I feel pretty good! I have a bit of a cough and no smell, which also affects my taste. I can still taste salt, sweet and bitter but just not very well. I'm pretty dizzy today but I'm not sure if it's because I got my period a few days ago (lucky me). As an aside, my period is much heavier and my cramps are extremely bad in comparison to usual.
Day 8-10 I'm definitely over the worst of it. I'm scared to say anything because it seems too good to be true that that was it. Still don't have a ton of energy but haven't had to take any advil at all. Pains are gone. The only thing remaining is a mild cough, a bit of fatigue and I still have no smell, which also affects my sense of taste.
I'm still taking all of the supplements I was and will continue till the week is through. Then I will switch back to my regular maintenance doses.
I'm excited to get back to life as usual and now with more confidence than before when interacting with others. I'm excited to share my experience with others who were also afraid of getting this dreaded virus because there are things you can do to support your body for the best possible outcome.
If I were to offer advice it would be to not be afraid and to start now to take the best care of your body and reduce the inflammatory load as soon as possible. Be absolutely sure to get your vitamin D levels up as high as safely possible as this alone can help your outcome.
For much more information and to take a look at the science behind the treatments I've mentioned here, check out the Frontline doctors at