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3. So what things specifically are contributing to your inflammation and pain?

Amber Luci

Well of course I already said what you eat can be causing systematic inflammation. Things I'll discuss in more detail: sugar, whole grains, legumes, dairy, vegetable oils, alcohol and of course chemicals. There are even hidden ingredients like carageenan in supposedly "healthy" foods. There's lots of conflicting information out there regarding what is "healthy". I think there are many reasons for this- most of which I believe is that there's just not enough research or when people are researching it, they're trying to prove their belief is valid or that the funding is perhaps coming from industry. Who decided years ago that saturated fat was so bad for us? Or that soy was healthy? Why are we told to eat whole grains and not red meat? I had to dig deeper to decide what I was going to fuel my body with! I was quite surprised to be honest. Many things that we're taught is exactly what's contributing to all of this inflammation! So some things that #MENers might expect to improve with lifestyle changes: How about controlled #bloodsugar levels? Lowered #chromagraninA results? Possibly even #NETtumors that slow or stop growing, #angiofibromas that also shrink or stop growing, beautiful skin & #rosacea that disappears, #weightloss, less #jointpain...there are so many things that lifestyle changes can help with!!

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