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20. Resting up after a whirlwind trip to Toronto for a CNET National NeuroEndocrine Conference!

Amber Luci

What an amazing opportunity it was and I'm so blessed I was able to attend! I learned so much and met some amazing people šŸ¤—šŸ˜

It's incredible to hear about the new treatment options available to NET patients that weren't there even 5 years ago when I lost my Mom to MEN1.

People are living longer and longer with cancer because of some of these treatments. It was so humbling to me to be able to be in a room full of beautiful warriors and hear some of their stories.

They say that if everyone were to throw their problems into one huge pile, that most likely we'd grab our own back again - and this is how I felt there this weekend. "The devil you know" sort of thing.

Stories of how many people didn't even get the diagnosis until it had spread to their liver or elsewhere are way too common!!

I feel very fortunate that I was able to have the genetic testing done at a young age so that the doctors know what to look for with me. And although it was traumatic watching my aunts and mother suffer with MEN1 related complications, I know that they were given the best treatment that was available to them at that time and that because of them, my generation is more knowledgeable about MEN1. And subsequently, the next generation will also be privy to even more medical advancements.

I have some decisions to make in light of some of the things I learned about this weekend so I intend on practicing some self care this week to rest and recuperate and to sort through the huge amount of information I received!




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