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2. About pain and fatigue: parathyroids or inflammation?

Amber Luci

"MEN"ers often have overactive parathyroid glands, this is called hyperparathyroidism.

This causes the body to pull calcium out of bones and put it into the bloodstream. Too much calcium in the blood is called hypercalcemia. This causes joint pain, headaches, nausea, muscle weakness, fatigue, trouble concentrating and eventually kidney stones! Ouch! But what happened when my doctor insisted that after my second parathyroid surgery, my pain and extreme fatigue couldn't possibly be caused by my MEN1? I began searching elsewhere for other causes and guess what I found? There are hundreds of illnesses with the same symptoms!! Yes, most autoimmune conditions have similar and overlapping symptoms! Autoimmune diseases are the 3rd leading cause of death in North America after heart disease and cancer! And they're trying to prove that heart disease and cancer are also autoimmune in nature! So there you have it. The root cause of autoimmunity? Functional medicine is saying it is inflammation! What is at the root of pain? Inflammation!

I've spent the last 3 years studying different ways to overcome the pain and fatigue that has such a grip on my body. I found that the cause is at a molecular level. Yes you are what you eat! When you fuel your cells with inflammatory foods, they cannot work properly. Most people don't put enough thought into what they're eating or how its affecting their cells! Unfortunately our doctors are also not aware of this as they do not study nutrition so they can tell you to eat a healthy diet- but what does that look like? I will be sharing how I've changed my diet to lower my inflammation levels as well as describing the many other benefits to a diet change and other lifestyle changes you can try to help bring the zeal back into your life!

I'm adding some photos of my resting heart rate before my diet change and after a period where I slacked off and ate many of the offending foods again. I believe this visual is quite significant. There are also other tests that have been done to show my inflammation markers go down, my TSH levels went down. My A1C was in the normal range even after a distal pancreatectomy that has left me with 20% of my pancreas!

1: You can tell that this is food related as I took a vacation and went off my eating plan and my resting heart rate went back up. This is an average, each dot representing a month at a time. Returning to my healthy diet should see that number go back to a normal level.

2: This is what happened to my resting heart rate when I began to eat a better diet and take high quality supplements that my body was deficient in! It went from being very unhealthy and high to normal!





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